Conferences and Other Large Events - Archive

Centre for Test of Russian as a Foreign Language opened at ATU

Centre for Test of Russian as a Foreign Language opened at ATU Gallery

In a ceremony held on 24 June 2023 at the Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, the Centre for Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL) was inaugurated by ATU President, Rector of Kazan Federal University, and a number of officials the two universities. 

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Dr Khalatbari talks about the upcoming international conference

Dr Khalatbari talks about the upcoming international conference

In his news conference with the university's Public Relations, Dr Hesameddin Khalatbari, the scientific secretary of the international conference "Prophetic Knowledge and Challenges of Today's World," talked about the Allameh Tabataba'i University's (ATU) priority in terms of "developing the Humanities" and added that the upcoming conference is in the same direction.

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