Women Photographers' Works to be Showcased in ATU

01 November 2016 | 03:30 All News
Women Photographers' Works were Showcased in ATU.
Women Photographers&#39 Works to be Showcased in ATU

ATU Spanish Department is going to showcase the photographs by Iranian and Spanish distinguished women-photographers.

The ATU Spanish Department is going to showcase the photographs by Iranian and Spanish distinguished women-photographers. The photography exhibition, entitled "Miradas Paralelas" or "Parallel Looks", will be held at ATU Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages on Saturday, 12 November 2016. The University of Complutense, the Three-Cultures Institute, and a number of other institutes and organisations from Spain is collaborating with ATU in the organisation of this event. All students, alumni, and staff interested in the field are kindly invited to visit the exhibition.


tags: Photo Gallery Spain ATU Spanish Department

Last Update At : 13 December 2022