ATU DIAC Participates the International Workshop on IRO Models

ATU DIAC Participates the International Workshop on IRO Models

18 October 2017 | 03:30 All News
ATU DIAC staff participated in the International Workshop on IRO (International Relations Office) Models held from 17 to 19 October 2017 in Alzahra University, Tehran.
ATU DIAC Participates the International Workshop on IRO Models

Directorate for International Academic Cooperation -

Thanks to the efforts of University of Sistan and Baluchestan (USB), FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (FHJ), and Alzahra University as the host, the International Workshop on IRO Models was held from 17 to 19 October 2017 in Alzahra University. In this three-day event, administrative staff from ATU DIAC, and universities of USB, FHJ (Graz), Ferdowsi (Mashhad), Shiraz, Shahid Chamran (Ahvaz), and Kurdistan participated and learned about different IRO Models.

The first day of the programme commenced with a welcome speech by Dr Mohammad Reza Ghasemi, Director of International Academic Cooperation at USB. Then, representatives from all seven universities delivered 15-minute speeches to introduce the structure and model of their international offices. Afterwards, Dr Rupert Beinhauer and Dr Brigit Hernady, from FHJ, presented two lectures on "Internationalisation of Higher Education" and "Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions and the Role of the International Relations Office" respectively and discussions underwent on the important role enacted by IROs in blowing an international spirit into universities. In the second day of the programme, FHJ introduced different programmes and potantials offered in this university to local and international students. Then, in another section named "Language and Culture in the Framework of Internationalisation at Home", the Austrian speakers introduced various cultural activities offered in FHJ. In this workshop, the participants discussed the social, cultural and other strategies applied in their universities to attract foreign students and promote their names. The session was closed with a cultural tour, itroducing some attractions of Tehran.

International Workshop on IRO ModelsInternational Workshop on IRO Models

tags: ATU Workshop IRO International Relation Office Models Alzahra University Erasmus+ Programme

Last Update At : 18 October 2017