ATU and Berghof Foundation discuss the syllabus of Peace Studies Programme

28 September 2017 | 03:30 All News Academics
ATU and Berghof Foundation discuss the syllabus of Peace Studies Programme

Directorate for International Academic Cooperation -

In a session held at ATU Faculty of Law and Political Sciences (LPS), faculty members from LPS and Berghof Foundation discussed the details of the establishment of a Course in Peace Studies at ATU.

During this session, held to further and operationalise the memorandum of understanding signed with Berghof Foundation, Dr Mansour Mirsaeedi, Dean of ATU's LPS Faculty; Dr Mandana Tishehyar, ATU Director of International Academic Cooperation; Dr Moshirzadeh, a representative from Peace Museum; Dr Mansour Rahmani from Faculty of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; a number of officials from Berghof Foundation; and few faculty members from ATU participated and discussed the syllabus of the to-be-established master's course in Peace Studies.

ATU signed an MoU on scientific, academic and cultural cooperation with Berghof Foundation in March 2017, and the two institutes are working on the establishment of an MA degree course in ATU. The Berghof Foundation is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organisation that supports efforts to prevent political and social violence and to achieve sustainable peace through conflict transformation.


tags: ATU Berghof Foundation Syllabus Peace Studies Programme establish

Last Update At : 13 December 2022