Iran-Spain Academic Relations' Committee Session Held in ATU

Directorate for International Academic Cooperation —
The first meeting of the Iran-Spain International Cooperation Scientific Committee was held on Monday, 18 February 2019, at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU).
Organised by ATU Directorate for International Academic Cooperation, the first session of the Iran-Spain International Cooperation Scientific Committee was held in ATU Faculty of Communication Sciences. The session started with Dr Hamidreza Oloumiyazdi, Vice-President for Research welcome speech; then, Dr Mandana Tishehyar, Director of International Academic Cooperation, talked about the important role of international activities in universities. Dr Najmeh Shobeiri, Head of ATU's Spanish Department and Chair of the Committee then introduced ATU's international partners and briefly introduced Spain and its academic system. Then, Dr Tishehyar elaborated on the partnerships ATU has with the University of Nebrija in the form of establishing the Khayyam Centre for Iranian Studies and invited the participants to get involved in this area. Afterwards, the organisation of the 3rd International Conference on the Heritage of al-Andalusia was discussed and Yazd University announced its willingness to partnership in holding this event. In this session, apart from participants from ATU Spanish Department, representatives from the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology; Spanish Embassy in Tehran; Universities of Kurdistan; Kharazmi; Guilan; Shahid Beheshti; Yazd; Arak; Science and Technology; al-Zahra; Tehran; Bu-Ali Sina; K.N. Toosi; Tarbiat Modares; Shahid Chamran; Imam Khomeini; and Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies; Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute; and Aerospace Research Institute participated.
The session was concluded with the participants discussing the possibility of further collaborations, the next committee session, and cooperation in inviting and hosting Spanish universities' rectors and presidents.