ATU Institute for Cultural Studies to Hold a Research School

ATU Institute for Cultural Studies to Hold a Research School

24 December 2018 | 03:30 All News
ATU Institute for Cultural Studies is going to hold a research school from 26 January to 20 February 2019.
ATU Institute for Cultural Studies to Hold a Research School


In the fourth research school of Allameh Tabataba"i University (ATU), six Iranian professors from ATU and one non-Iranian professor will present their workshops on qualitative research methods. The main focus of this school has always been on qualitative research methods; however, this year, due to huge number of requests from the applicants, a workshop on quantitative data analysis is added. In this school, several separate but interrelated workshops will be presented. The first workshop, assumed to be the basic course and consisting of the logic and the common issues among all research methods, will be presented within 16 hours. The workshop will be presented by Dr Lea Sgier, professor of political sciences at the University of Geneva, who has frequently delivered courses and workshops on qualitative research methods at research schools such as WSSP, ECPR, and ESSEN. Given the significance of the issues which are all delivered in English at this workshop, professors and PhD students in social sciences, education, management, political science, and health are strongly recommended to participate in this workshop.

Five workshops on grounded theory, content analysis, discourse analysis, writing research papers, and planning research are presented by Dr Mohammad Saeed Zokaei, Dr Ahmad Golmohammadi, and Dr Mohammad Javad Gholamreza Kashi, Dr Shoja Ahmadvand, and Dr Faez Dinparast, respectively, based on the fundamental issues presented in the first workshop. In each of these five workshops, one of the qualitative data techniques is described in details. Each presenter elaborates on the procedure and steps of one specific technique mentioned in the title of the presentation.

international winter school in research methods

The workshop on the qualitative data analysis through Nvivo software will be presented as the final and complementary event in this school. This workshop helps you apply what you have learned in previous workshops using computers and software. The presenter of this workshop is Dr Faez Dinparast, who has attended training courses on Nvivo at the ECPR Summer School. He is also expert in the field.

The first workshop is a common requirement for all qualitative researchers. Other workshops on content analysis, discourse analysis or grounded theory might also meet the needs of the researchers interested in qualitative research methods.

Finally, a workshop on PLS is presented by Dr Ahmad Ghiyasvand. This workshop, as requested by researchers interested in structural equation modelling of multivariate data, was added to the list of the workshops of Allameh Tabataba"i research school.

More detailed information is available here. Click to download the PDF file.

Course Title Instructor Duration Course Fee € Date & Time
Qualitative Data Analysis Dr Lea Sgier 16h 200 26-27 Jan. 2019 (8am-5pm)
Grounded Theory Dr Mohammad Saeed Zokaei 12h 150 29 & 30 Jan. 2019 (9am-4pm)
Content Analysis Dr Ahmad Gol Mohammadi 12h 150 2 & 5 Feb. 2019 (9am-4pm)
PLS Software Dr Ahmad Ghiasvand 12h 150 5-6 Feb. 2019 (9am-4pm)
Discourse Analysis Dr Mohammad Javad Gholamreza Kashi 12h 150 3-4 Feb. 2019 (9am-4pm)
Qualitative Data Analysis With Nvivo Dr Faez Dinparast 12h 150 12-13 Feb. 2019 (9am-4pm)
Writing Research Papers Dr Shoja Ahmadvand 12h 150 16 & 19 Feb. 2019 (9am-4pm)
Planning Research (writing proposals) Dr Faez Dinparast 12h 150 17 & 20 Feb. 2019 (9am-4pm)


Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Allameh Tabataba"i University (ATU)


26 January to 20 February 2019.


Allameh Tabataba"i University, Tehran, Iran.

Contact Details:

For more detailed information on the winter school, please email or call +9821 4473 7643.

How to Register?

To register in the research school, you can fill in the registration form available from here.

Recommended Hotels for Accommodation:

There are many beautiful hotels in Tehran. However, the following hotel is recommended:

  • Omid Hotel; Address: 22, Nosrate- Sharghi, 16 Azar St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran, Iran. Telephone:(+9821) 6617 7208, (+9821) 6649 5769
  • Allameh Tabataba"i University has generously allocated 30 places in student dormitory for PhD students (15 for male and 15 for female students) for 15 USD per night (including meals).


register in the winter school from here

Last Update At : 24 December 2018