Dr Nematollahi: ATU Admits Doctoral Students in 95 Degree Programmes

Dr Nematollahi: ATU Admits Doctoral Students in 95 Degree Programmes

19 July 2018 | 04:30 All News
ATU VP for Education, Dr Nader Nematollahi, said that this year ATU admits doctoral students in 95 degree programmes.
Dr Nematollahi: ATU Admits Doctoral Students in 95 Degree Programmes
Directorate for International Academic Cooperation —

Registration process for admission of PhD applicants ATU's day, evening, and tuition-paying degree programmes started and this year 465 PhD students will be admitted in 95 degree programmes.

Dr Nader Nematollahi, ATU Vice-President for Education, said that, following the Sanjesh Organisation's announcement of the names of the qualified PhD candidates for the 2018-19 academic year, and the dissemination of the names in ATU's website, the nominees have to visit the registration website, http://azmoon.atu.ac.ir, and register electronically in due time, between 27 May and 12 June 2018 to complete their online registration. He added that, the interviews will be held from 1 to 13 July 2018, and further details on the exact time schedule for every department will be announced in ATU's website and sent to candidates through SMS System.

He then added that the capacity of PhD student admission in this academic year will be 465; in day programmes, 244 students will be admitted in 50 programmes, while these numbers for the evening programmes will be 221 students and 45 programmes. During recent years, thanks to the coordination between faculties and departments, steps have been taken to better organize the student enrollment process. He added: “Fortunately, with the cooperation of the departments over the past few years, we have witnessed focused and systematic interviews.”

Referring to the centralization of the doctoral interview process at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), Dr Nematollahi said: "In order to facilitate the process for the candidates and the specialized interviewing committees, as well as the systematic hosting of candidates, interviews have been conducted all in ATU central campus. He pointed to the cooperation of different departments of the university to carry out the process and stated that besides the specialized interviewing committee, a team of experts in research affairs are also appointed to provide the required information to the applicants and create a peaceful and relaxed sphere for candidates during the interview period.

Dr Nematollahi continued saying that this year ATU will, for the second consecutive year, provide scholarships to few students who will be sent abroad to address the academic needs of a number of ATU departments. He added that “Due to the lack of faculty members in some of the faculties and programmes, after receiving the approval of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, we provide mobility scholarships to 14 students in the following programmes: Chinese literature; Chinese linguistics; teaching Chinese to non-Chinese speakers; Spanish language and literature; industrial and institutional psychology; school psychology; multimedia journalism; social policy; knowledge and information science; social service management; elementary education, sociology: environment; demographics; mathematics; and new media. He then concluded with information on the admission of talented students in Masters and PhD degrees, and said that ATU VP for Education is working hard to provide the means for fair and just admission of talented students based on their average marks and their educational and research backgrounds.

Last Update At : 12 February 2022