Dr Abbasi Represents ATU at Chelyabinsk State University

Dr Abbasi Represents ATU at Chelyabinsk State University

30 July 2018 | 04:30 All News
Dr Majid Abbasi, Associate Professor of Political Science, visits Chelyabinsk State University on ATU's behalf, and negotiates common grounds for cooperation.
Dr Abbasi Represents ATU at Chelyabinsk State University
Directorate for International Academic Cooperation —

Following the memorandum of understanding signed between ATU and the Chelyabinsk State University (CSU), a faculty member from ATU had a visit to CSU and negotiated about implementation of the signed MoU in a meeting with the CSU officials.

In line with the implementation of the MoU signed between the two universities, Dr Majid Abbasi, faculty member at ATU's Political Science Department, visited CSU and had meetings with its officials. The visit was planned with the aim of strengthening the academic and cultural ties between the two institutes and commencing the joint activities in the form of teaching a number of courses in the CSU. During this visit, Dr Abbasi delivered speeches on the “political relations and the foreign policies of Iran and Russia in the new millennium” to the CSU students of Persian Language and Iranian Studies.

Dr Abbasi had meetings with the CSU Pro-Rector for Research, Dean of the Faculty of Eurasia and East, and Head of the International Cooperation Department, and the parties agreed on faculty exchange, postgraduate student exchange, and collaboration in the organisation of joint international conferences. ATU representative also delivered a speech on “the converging and diverging factors in the relations between Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia” which was highly appealing to the audience and followed by a Q&A session.

As the visit coincided with the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the CSU Faulty of Eurasia and East, a ceremony was held in the Faculty and Dr Abbasi, as the ceremony's chief guest, passed on ATU President's message of congratulations to the audience, including the CSU Rector and Pro-Rectors, Dean of the Faculty of Eurasia and East, and officials from academic, cultural, and political departments in the region, and made the CSU Rector a gift from ATU. Professor Tsiring, CSU Rector, appreciated President Salimi for his kind message, introduced the development of relations with ATU as an important priority for CSU, and hoped the visit could open new chapters in the relations between the two institutes.

It should be noted that the CSU Faculty of Eurasia and East was established in 1998 with the aim of providing education to students of culture, politics and languages in the East, including Iran, Japan, Turkey, China, Korea, Indonesia and the Arab World.

tags: Allameh Tabataba'i university Chelyabinsk State University Majid Abbasi International Cooperation

Last Update At : 12 February 2022