DAAD Representative Visits ATU

DAAD Representative Visits ATU

04 February 2017 | 03:30 All News
DAAD Representative Visits ATU
DAAD Representative Visits ATU

Directorate of International Academic Cooperation -

On Tuesday, 31 January 2017, Dr Frens Stoeckel, DAAD Representative in Tehran had a visit to Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU) Directorate of International Academic Cooperation. During this visit, Dr Stoeckel expressed the willingness of German universities' CEOs to hold a joint workshop on Internationalisation of Humanities and Social Sciences in partnership with ATU, and insisted on the necessity of academic cooperation in humanities and social sciences for further cooperation of universities in technical, engineering and medical fields of study.

In this visit, the German guest proposed ATU to invite German professors, through DAAD, to teach Master's of German Language in its German Department.

tags: DAAD ATU Frens Stoeckel

Last Update At : 04 February 2017