ATU ranked 401-500 at THE's Young University Rankings

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation –
According to the latest results published on 15 May 2024 on the Times Higher Education (THE) website, Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU) obtained the 401-500 rank among the world's young universities.
In this round of the competitions, known as Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings, 46 universities from Iran were ranked, and one university was tagged as a "data-reporting" (and not-ranked) university.
In this Ranking, ATU obtained the 401-500 rank among young universities and was placed in the 30-42 position among the 46 Iranian universities.
We would like to congratulate all its family, students, professors, and staff on this achievement, and hope ATU members' efforts will help the university to flourish further in the future.