ATU signs MoUs with seven Pakistani universities

20 January 2024 | 14:23 All News
To expand international academic cooperation with academic centres in Pakistan and benefit from mutual capacities in the two countries' universities, Dr Abdollah Motamedi met rectors and directors from several Pakistani universities and signed MoUs on academic cooperation on 17 January 2024.
ATU signs MoUs with seven Pakistani universities

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation


To expand international academic cooperation with the universities in Pakistan and benefit from mutual capacities in the two countries, Dr Abdollah Motamedi met rectors and directors from several Pakistani universities and signed MoUs on academic cooperation with seven Pakistani universities on 17 January 2024.

The Pakistani parties to the MoU were Allama Iqbal Open University, Quaid-i-Azam University, University of Education, GC University Lahore, University of the Punjab, the Urdu Academy, and Jamiat Tul Mustafa Alalamiya Pakistan.

Dr Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan; Dr Nasser Mahmood, Rector of Allameh Iqbal Open University; Dr Niaz Ahmad Akhtar, Rector of Quaid-i-Azam University; Dr Mohammad Alam Saeed, Rector of Education University; Dr Ahmed Adnan, Rector of GC University Lahore; Dr Khalid Mahmood, Rector of the University of Punjab; Dr Salim Mazhar, Rector of Urdu Language Academy of Pakistan; Mr Amir Shahrazad, Director-General of Accreditation at Higher Education Commission of Pakistan; and Hojjat-ul-Islam Muhammad Idris, Vice-Rector for Education at Jamiat Tul Mustafa Alalamiya Pakistan, together with accompanying delegations were among the major officials attending the ceremony.

Exchange of scientific materials, joint publication of books and articles, conducting joint research projects, facilitating the mobility of members from both sides and their participation in academic activities, mobility of professors, students, researchers, and experts to participate in conferences, workshops, and other international events, joint organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, and training courses, providing mutual facilities for study visits and sabbaticals, and the development of joint/double degree programs were among the topics included and agreed upon in the MoUs.


Last Update At : 20 January 2024