Virtual Tour held by USSUN members in South Korea

02 December 2023 | 09:49 All News Cultural Events
The USSUN's first virtual tour of the historical and cultural sites was organised on 17 November 2023 and broadcast live on Instagram.
Virtual Tour held by USSUN members in South Korea

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation


Thanks to the efforts of the student secretariat of the Silk Road Universities Network at Allameh Tabatabai University, known as the United Students of the SUN (USSUN), students from the network's member universities organized the first virtual tour of the historical and cultural sites of the Silk Road countries.

The inaugural virtual tour was organised on Friday 17 November 2023 by students at Hankook University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, South Korea. The event took place at the National Museum of South Korea and was broadcast live on Instagram.

The poster and pictures of the programme are provided below. The Instagram live recording is also available here.

Interested students are encouraged to follow the USSUN page (with the ID @silkroad.students) on Instagram.

Students interested in participating in these events are also invited to send their requests to the USSUN Secretariat's email address,




Last Update At : 02 December 2023