I.R. Iran's Ambassador to Colombia speaks at PLFL Faculty

In June 2023, I.R. Iran's Ambassador to Colombia attended the Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages (PLFL), Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), and delivered a speech on the amazing cultural affinities and partnerships between Iran and Latin America.
I.R. Iran's Ambassador to Colombia speaks at PLFL Faculty

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation


In June 2023, I.R. Iran's Ambassador to Colombia attended the Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages (PLFL), Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), and delivered a speech on the amazing cultural affinities and partnerships between Iran and Latin America.

Invited by ATU's Spanish Language and Literature Department, Mr Ahmadreza Kheirmand, Islamic Republic of Iran's Ambassador to Colombia, attended ATU's Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages and delivered a speech on the cultural affinities between Iran and Latin American countries. The Iranian Ambassador to Colombia also compared Iran's political, cultural and academic ties with Latin American countries before and after the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

Examining the cultural commonalities from the viewpoints of governments and people, Mr Kheirmand added: "In terms of the people, despite the long distance between the two cultures, social research shows surprisingly that there are several commonalities between the peoples in the two countries." For him, standing up against oppression is a major shared ground between the two countries.

In the end, Iran's Ambassador pointed to the benefits of learning Spanish and encouraged the Spanish Language students to continue the path they have taken.

Dr Soudabah Bashizadeh, Head of the Spanish Language and Literature Department, also delivered a speech on the effective role of culture in public diplomacy and cultural interactions between countries with rich historical backgrounds, including Iran and Latin American countries.

The session was concluded with a QA session where the Ambassador answered the students' inquiries.


Last Update At : 17 June 2023