MoU on academic and research cooperation signed with Beijing International Studies University

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation–
In the meeting held in May 2023 between Dr Abdollah Motamedi, President of Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), and Dr Chang Yu, President of the Council at Beijing International Studies Univerity, an MoU was signed to develop academic and research cooperation between the two institutes.
Apart from the CEOs, the meeting was attended by Dr Davoud Hosseinpour, Vice President for Research; Dr Abbas Ali Vafaei, Dean of the Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages; Dr Seyed J. Faraji, Director of International Academic Cooperation; and Dr Mohsen Habini, Director of Public Relations at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), and Dr Yu Gang, Director of International Exchange and Cooperation; Dr Gang Linmeng, Deputy Director for Public Relations; Dr Li Mengbo, Dean of the School of Middle East Studies, and Dr Qivon Dag, a professor from the Persian Language Department of Beijing International Studies University.
At the beginning of the meeting, Dr Motamedi presented a welcome speech to the Chinese delegation, briefly introduced ATU's capacities, and emphasized: "Considering the friendly relations between the two countries, it is necessary to expand partnerships in various academic spheres." He then referred to ATU's previous cooperation with the Chinese Embassy in Tehran, adding that a part of ATU's Central Library and Documentation Centre is allocated to Chinese books to be used by professors and students in relevant programmes."
ATU President then highlighted the need to create a suitable sphere for academic dialogues between professors at the two universities and ensured that the dialogues provide the context for valuable joint research activities and strengthen the ties between the two institutes.
President of the Council at Beijing International Studies University (BISU) then introduced BISU and its capacities and said: "BISU is outstanding in China in the fields of Foreign Languages, Tourism, Economics, Trade, Information, and Commerce. Currently, 29 languages are taught at BISU, and considering the importance of Persian language teaching at this university, there is a need for the mobility of staff and students in the fields of Persian and Chinese language teaching between the two universities."
Dean of BISU's Faculty of Middle East Studies also said: "Persian language is a major field at BISU and we have started offering the field since 2017. Mobility of staff and students, and familiarization of Perian-speaking students with the Chinese culture, language, and urban studies are among our priorities for cooperating with ATU."
Dr Seyed J. Faraji then pointed to the offering of Tourism programmes at different levels at ATU and said: "ATU is a leading university in training tourism professionals in Iran. Last year, we won a world gold medal in tourism competitions."
At the end of the meeting, an MoU on academic and research cooperation was signed by the Presidents of ATU and BISU.