USSUN: Report of the Springtime Webinar and 1st Poster Design Contest

The Springtime Seminar and the first Poster Design Contest of the United Students of the Silk Road Universities Network (SUN) were organised successfully in April 2023.
USSUN: Report of the Springtime Webinar and 1st Poster Design Contest

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation


The Springtime Seminar and the first Poster Design Contest of the United Students of the Silk Road Universities Network (SUN) were organised successfully in April 2023.

Held online, the two international events were organised by the Silk Road Universities Network (SUN) and led by the USSUN Secretariat at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU).

In the webinar, four professors delivered speeches on "Celebrating Spring Across the Globe: Fostering Change in Tune with Cycles of Nature." The event was opened by a welcome speech delivered by Professor Sungdon Hwang, Secretary General of the SUN and President of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea). Then, Professor Dorota Sylwia Majewicz, the USSUN's new Special Advisor and Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at Samarkand International University of Technology (SIUT, Uzbekistan), delivered her engaging speech on the topic. Dr Bahram Amir Ahmadian from ATU and Dr Beata Williamson from the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Gdansk (Poland), were the other speakers at the event.

The first Poster Design Contest, so exciting for students and providing them with the opportunity to showcase their skills globally, was the other event held during the Seminar. Students from eight countries, including South Korea, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Turkey, took part and submitted more than 30 works. Ten students were chosen to present the ideas behind their posters and answered participants' queries. The final ten competitors are as follows:

  • Mohammad Razani, Iran
  • Marjona  Khamrokulova, Uzbekistan
  • Alireza Khosrozadeh, Iran
  • Latife Sakhi, Afghanistan  
  • Minjoo Kang, South Korea
  • Yerin Kang, South Korea                                                           
  • Elina Masoudi, Iran
  • Amina  Gassanova, Kazakhstan 
  • Sahel Alinezhad, Iran
  • Ali Karimi, Iran

Selected posters are available in this PDF file.


Last Update At : 30 April 2023