ATU President's Message on the Occasion of Nowruz

04 April 2023 | 11:59 All News Cultural Events
On the occasion of the approach of the Nowruz, Professor Abdollah Motamedi, ATU President, sent a message of congratulations to all staff, students, and Iranian people all around the world.
ATU President's Message on the Occasion of Nowruz

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation


On the occasion of the approach of Nowruz, Professor Abdollah Motamedi, ATU President, sent a message of congratulations to all staff, students, and Iranian people all around the world. The message is as follows. 


Nowruz best portrays our ancestors' good traditions and delivers the messages of liveliness, friendship, love, and development to sublime levels. Nature's evolution and spring's arrival are just few reflections of the Almighty's glory in the mirror of nature and are indicative of the grace and hospitality of the Creator who has put transformation as an indispensable substance of Existence.

Now that nature's resurrection and the Nowruz of 1402 (SH) have coinsided with the Spring of the Qur'an (Ramathan), there is a double ecstasy in human hearts. I would like to congratulate the merry approach of Nowruz and Ramadan and wish a New Year replete with health, glory, victory, and peace for Allameh Tabataba'i University's great family.


Dr Abdollah Motamedi

President of Allameh Tabataba'i University

Last Update At : 05 April 2023