UNESCO extends the Chair in Communications of Science and Technology for three more years

30 March 2023 | 22:25 All News Awards and Achievements
According to an official letter issued by the UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) consented to the three-year extension of the Chair in Communications of Science and Technology at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU).
UNESCO extends the Chair in Communications of Science and Technology for three more years

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation

Thanks to the good performance and positive assessments of the International Chair in the Communications of Science and Technology, UNESCO consented to the three-year extension of the chair until 30 June 2026 at ATU.

The Chair started its activities in 2016 at ATU's Faculty of Communication Sciences. The interdisciplinary chair was established to develop an integrated system in the fields of education, research, information, and documentation in Communications of Science and Technology and to facilitate cooperation between distinguished professors and researchers at the universities in Iran, the Asia-Pacific, Europe, and other regions of the world.

Launching a dynamic institute to promote research and education and facilitate cooperation between academic institutes, researchers, and activists of the Communications of Science and Technology; facilitating the publicisation and democratisation of science and technology; facilitating domestic and international academic communications using the UNESCO's Communication Network with the aim of promoting the training of Communications of Science and Technology in Iran and the exchange of experiences at the regional and international levels; holding short-term training courses in Science Journalism to improve the media technicians' journalistic skills and media literacy; conducting interdisciplinary research projects in the Communications of Science and Technology to promote media coverage in the fields of science and technology; and setting up Master's and PhD programmes in the Communications of Science and Technology to address the needs of the Iranian society are among the long-term goals of this Chair.



Last Update At : 30 March 2023