ATU students shine in the USSUN international contests

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation–
The United Students of the Silk Road Universities Network (USSUN) introduced the winners of its annual Photography (PHOCOS), Writing (WRICOS), and Speech and Debate (S-DECOS) contests, and ten students from Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU) won top prizes. In these contests, a large number of students from beyond fifty SUN member universities competed.
In the Photography Contest known as PHOCOS and held for the seventh time with the theme of "Fighting against Covid-19 on the Silk Road", Reyhaneh Ramezani, a Master's degree student in Communications at ATU, won the "Grand Prize". Moreover, Saman Khodayari, Mahdieh Ghasemzadeh, Mehdi Ghasempour, and Shadi Khodayari won special prizes in the contest.
In the sixth round of the international Writing Contest, known as WRICOS and held with the theme of "My hometown: What does your hometown mean to you?", Soraya Mansouri and Latifah Sakhi, students from ATU, took home prizes in the Essay and Poetry sections, respectively.
In the third round of the Speech and Debates Contest (DECOS) held under the theme of "Students' Perspectives in the Era of AI and Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges", the gold medal (grand prize) went to Latifah Sakhi from ATU. Mohsen Hayat, Marzieh Roudgar Saffaari and Zahra Rahmani were other ATU students receiving distinguished titles in the DECOS contest.
The Silk-Road Universities Network (SUN) was established at the Hankook University of Foreign Studies (Seoul, South Korea) with the aim of developing academic and cultural partnerships among the Silk Road countries, consolidating peace and friendship, and reviving Silk Road nations' shared traditions. The network was established in 2015 and more than fifty universities from different Silk Road countries enjoy its membership.
In recent years, ATU students have succeeded in winning top prizes in SUN student contests, and the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation (DIAC) would like to congratulate the winners and the ATU family on this achievement.