Iranian inventor team wins gold prize at INNOVA 2022

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation–
The team of student-inventors headed by Dr Seyed J. Faraji, Faculty Member at the Department of Public Administration and Director of International Academic Cooperation at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), won the gold prize at the 46th Invention Exhibition (INOVA 2022) held in Croatia. ATU Team won the prize from among the 1000 teams participating from 40 different countries in 22 specialised competitions.
The international event took place 12-15 October 2022 in Osijek, Croatia. Apart from Dr Seyed J. Faraji, other members of the Team included Ms Fatemeh Izadi, PhD Candidate in Tourism Management at ATU, and Mr Amir Hossein Payandeh and Mr Saman Keivan-nia, MA students in Tourism Management at the University of Tehran.