New MoU signed with North-Caucasus Federal University, Russia

25 June 2022 | 10:55 All News MoUs and Agreements
Allameh Tabataba'i University and the North-Caucasus Federal University signed an MoU on academic cooperation on 21 June 2022.
New MoU signed with North-Caucasus Federal University, Russia

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation –

(Source: Public Relations)


On Tuesday, 21 June 2022, Allameh Tabataba'i University and the North-Caucasus Federal University signed an MoU on academic cooperation.

In the beginning of the session, Dr Abdollah Motamedi, ATU President, introduced ATU briefly and pointed to the age-old ties between Iran and Russia in various fields. 

ATU President then announced that ATU is prepared to cooperate with the North-Caucasus Federal University in joint academic events and projects. He said, "One of the major divisions at ATU is the ECO College of Insurance, which is exchanging students in the Regional Studies programme with a Russian university. Moreover, Russian language and literature is taught at Bachelor's degree in the ATU Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages. I hope the signature of this Memorandum of Understanding will help us use our mutual capacities to increase our partnerships."

Dr Dmitry Bespalov, Rector of the North-Caucasus Federal University, maintained, "In the North Caucasus region, the North-Caucasus Federal University assumes a pivotal role and is responsible for all academic projects and the advancement of scientific policies."

He then added, "The university is host to six Institutes, seven Faculties, thirty Research Centres, 24,000 students, 1,300 faculty members, and 1,500 international students. It is a comprehensive university conducting scientific activities in the humanities, engineering, and natural sciences".

The Rector of the North-Caucasus Federal University then proposed the cooperation between the two institutes in 2022 to start in the area of the Russian Language. He also suggested that the two universities cooperate in holding joint virtual courses in the areas of history and international relations and exchanging professors in these areas to facilitate professors' academic and research activities.

He then added that his university offers Persian Language Courses and asked ATU to help them expand their services in this area.

In the end, the Rector of the North-Caucasus Federal University invited the President and faculty members at Allameh Tabataba'i University to participate in two major scholarly events entitled the "Conference in Ethnic Policies and Regional Crises and Their Solutions" and "The Roundtable Conference in Iran, Russia, and the South Caucasus" planned to be held in 2022 and 2023, respectively, and attended by representatives from all universities in the South and North Caucasus.




tags: MoU Russia

Last Update At : 26 June 2022