ATU participates in the SUN General Assembly

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation –
On 26 and 27 May 2022, Professor Abdollah Motamedi, ATU President, and members from the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation participated in the eighth general assembly of the Silk Road Universities Network (SUN). The event was held online and hosted by the Canadian University Dubai (CUD).
In the beginning of the event, Professor Karim Chelli, President of the Canadian University Dubai and Chair of the Assembly, presented an overview of the activities conducted by SUN member institutions in the areas of students and faculty members.
After the Opening Ceremony, in the second section of the Assembly, entitled "The Role of the Universities in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges," Professor Motamedi elaborated on ATU's role and experience in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Humanities and pointed to ATU's exemplary capacities in these respects.
ATU has set the move towards digital development and AI high on its agenda.
ATU President added: "As the pioneering Iranian university in the area of humanities, ATU has set the move towards digital development and AI high on its agenda. Throughout the humanities, including the areas of psychology, linguistics, literature, education and the like, we deal with data, and AI has the capacity to be applied in these areas."
Dr Seyed Jalal Faraji, Director of International Academic Cooperation, then added that ATU is prepared and willing to convene a conference in AI. The audience then welcomed Dr Faraji's suggestion and asked ATU to prepare a proposal in this respect and make necessary arrangements to facilitate the organisation of this event.
ATU is a member of the SUN and its student secretariat entitled the United Students of the SUN (USSUN) is located in and administered by ATU.