ATU President congratulates the Natinal Teachers' Day

07 May 2022 | 09:55 All News Cultural Events
On the occasion of the National Teacher's Day, ATU President published a message of congratulations to faculty members.
ATU President congratulates the Natinal Teachers' Day

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation –

(Source: ATU's Public Relations)


On the National Teacher's Day occasion, Professor Abdollah Motamedi, ATU President, published a message of congratulations to faculty members. The message reads as follows:

In the name of God


"Whoever honours a scholar, (s)he has undoubtedly honoured his/her God." Imam Ali (PBUH)


As the anniversary of Morteza Motahhari's martyrdom, the 12th of Ordibehesht (2 May) is marked on the Iranian calendar as "Teacher's Commemoration Day" in honour of the name and efforts made by this great seminary and university teacher. This day is an opportunity to celebrate the high dignity of teachers and professors who burn the candles of their lives to enlighten the path for generations and future makers of beloved Iran.

The flourishing of talents, increase in peoples' accountabilities, transfer of knowledge, formation of identities, strengthening of religious beliefs, promotion of human values, ​​and training of human beings are all the offspring of the thought, guidance, and efforts made by teachers and professors striving to guide humankind.

Indeed, teachers have always been a source of knowledge and honesty and a symbol of commitment and effort throughout human history.

The concurrence of 12 Ordibehesht (2 May), the day of commemorating teachers, with the holy month of Ramadan, has bestowed a sense of cheerfulness, joy, and spirituality on this national day. Therefore, I would like to congratulate the Eid al-Fitr, praying God to accept your obedience and worships during the holy Ramadan, and offer my most sincere thanks and greetings to all my esteemed colleagues.

Indeed, the fruits of your valuable scientific efforts, marking the rise and glory of beloved Iran in various scientific fields, will remain in the scientific history of this country and will be a bright page in the history of science in Iran.


Abdollah Motamedi,

ATU President

2 May 2022

Last Update At : 08 May 2022