Bachelors classes will be held in person

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation –
(Source: ATU's Public Relations)
According to the latest announcement published by the Vice-Presidency for Academic Affairs, the following points will apply to all Bachelor's classes in the present academic semester:
1. All classes for the Bachelor's degree students admitted in and before the 2019 academic year will be held in person from Saturday, 16 April 2022.
2. Before 16 April 2022, all the classes for these students will be held online.
3. Any decision regarding the time to start the in-person classes for the Bachelor's students admitted in and after 2020 will be informed subsequently.
4. All Theology courses for Bachelor's students, regardless of their admission years, will be held online.
5. As per Notification No. 3, all faculty members are required to have in-person attendance on campus.