ATU Faculty Member appointed as Chairman of the NICC

Report by the Directorate for International Academic Cooperation —
(News source: ATU Public Relations; Photo source: ATNA)
Dr Seyed Mohammadreza Seyed-Nourani, a faculty member at the Faculty of Economics, was appointed as Chairman of the National Competition Council (NICC).
Prior to that, Dr Seyed-Nourani had been a counsellor to the NICC. He holds a PhD degree in Economics, with a focus on the Public Sector, Econometrics, and Theoretical Economics. He has also served as Head of the Theoretical Economics Department at ATU; membership in the Research Council at the General Inspection Office of Iran; Economic Counsellor at the IKCO; Member of the Board of Directors at the Investment Management Company affiliated to Bank Melli Iran, as his previous executive positions.