MoU signed with Payam Higher Education Institute

ATU's Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies signed an MoU on academic cooperation with the Payam Higher Education Institute, Afghanistan.
MoU signed with Payam Higher Education Institute

Report by Directorate for International Academic Cooperation —

In a session held on 7 December 2021, ATU's Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies signed an MoU on academic cooperation with the Payam Higher Education Institute, Afghanistan.

President of the Payam Institute, Dean of ATU's Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies (TIS), and faculty members from TIS participated in this session. Holding joint scientific conferences, speeches and lectures, exchanging professors and students, holding joint academic webinars, and awarding scholarships to Afghan students were among the topics discussed.

It was also suggested that Allameh Tabataba'i University and Afghan universities establish and publish the first joint electronic journal so that Iranian and Afghan scholars and researchers worldwide can share their scholarly publications with academia.

At the end of the session, the Dean of the TIS Faculty and the President of the Payam Higher Education Institute signed an MoU on academic cooperation. The MoU was the first academic cooperation between Iranian and Afghan universities after the Taliban's control over Afghanistan.


Last Update At : 12 April 2022