Professor Farzaneh Farahzad Publishes a Volume in Routledge

24 October 2016 | 03:30 All News Awards and Achievements Research
Professor Farzaneh Farahzad's co-authored volume was published by Taylor and Francis, Routledge publications.
Professor Farzaneh Farahzad Publishes a Volume in Routledge

Professor Farzaneh Farahzad, a faculty member at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU) Department of Translation Studies, has recently co-edited a volume on "Translating Women: Different Voices and New Horizons" and has published it in Routledge Publishing Company, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group. In the thirteen chapters of their 2017 volume, the editors have focused on "women and translation in cultures across other horizons well beyond the European or Anglo-American centres. Drawing on transnational feminist connections, its editors have assembled work from four continents and included articles from Morocco, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Turkey, China, Saudi Arabia, Columbia and beyond", to quote the editors' introduction. Her co-editor is Luis von Flotow, a distinguished scholar and researcher in the field.

Farzaneh Farahzad is a full professor of Translation Studies. Prior to the publication of this volume, she has also authored, translated, and edited the following books in Translation Studies:

  • Farahzad, F. (1386/2007). ABC of Translating. Tehran: IUP. (a textbook)
  • Farahzad, F. (1374/1995). Advanced Translation (I). Tehran: Payame Noor University Publication. (a textbook)
  • Farahzad, F. (1394/2015). A Comprehensive Dictionary of Translation Studies. Tehran: Elmi Publication.
  • Farahzad, F., Mousavi, S., & Ghomi, P. (Manuscript submitted for publication). Teaching Interpreting. Tehran: Allameh Tabatabai University Press. (a textbook)
  • ‭Reber, A.S. (1995/1390)The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology. (Farahzad, F. et al., Trans.). Tehran: Roshd Press. (a translation)
  • ‭Shuttleworth, M. & Cowie, M. (1997/1385)Dictionary of Translation Studies. (Farahzad, F., Tajvidi, Gh., & Bolouri, M., Trans.). Tehran: Yalda Ghalam (a translation)
  • ‭Palumbo, G. (2009/1391)Key Terms in Translation Studies. (Farahzad, F. & Karimzadeh, A., Trans.). Tehran: Ghatreh. (a translation)















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