News - Sunday 14 February 2021

ATU members win a grant from the INSF-RFBR Fund

14 February 2021 | 03:30 All News
ATU members win a grant from the INSF-RFBR Fund
Directorate for International Academic Cooperation—

The proposal submitted by faculty members at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU) Department of Linguistics was selected to receive a grant in the 2nd Call for Joint Projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

Following the publication of the 2nd call for proposals and evaluation of the proposals submitted to the secretariat of the Joint Research Funds supported by Iran"s National Science Foundation (INSF) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), the project entitled as the "Elaboration of the Contrastive Grammar of Ossetian and Persian Languages" submitted by ATU members was accepted for receiving support from the two Funding agencies.
In this joint call, more than 380 proposals were submitted by Iranian and Russian researchers and a total of 40 research projects were accepted. The evaluation process in Iran was carried out with the cooperation of 308 Iranian faculty members non of whom participated in the submitted proposals.
In the project submitted from ATU, Dr Mojtaba Monshizadeh, Dr Ehsan Changizi, and Dr Raheleh Gandomkar, faculty members from ATU's Department of Linguistics, are going to cooperate with a number of faculty members from the North Ossetian State University, Russia in doing the project.








Last Update At : 05 September 2021