News - Thursday 7 January 2021

Salimi meets Cultural Counsellor of Iraq Embassy in Tehran

07 January 2021 | 03:30 All News
Salimi meets Cultural Counsellor of Iraq Embassy in Tehran
Directorate for International Academic Cooperation—

On 7 January 2021, the Cultural Councsellor of the Iraqi Embassy at Tehran had a visit to Allameh Tabataba"i University (ATU) and talked with Professor Salimi about academic cooperation.

In a session held between Professor Hossein Salimi, ATU President, and the Cultural Counsellor of the Iraqi Embassy to Tehran, Professor Salimi briefly introduced ATU and pointed to the special disciplines offered mainly at this institute, including the critical fields of Law of Oil and Gas Contracts, Oil and Gas Management, Insurance Management, Technology Management, Social Work, IT Management, Curriculum Planning and Development, Counselling, Communications, and several other important fields of study. Salimi then suggested that ATU is prepared to cooperate with Iraqi universities in terms of student and staff exchange, teaching of Iraqi lecturers in ATU"s programs and courses, and teaching of Persian and Arabic in the Iraqi and Iranian universities.

The Cultural Counsellor, Mr Amjad Hamid Al-Muzaffar, then informed that they are going to hold the first symposium of the presidents of Iranian and Iraqi students and added that a number of Iraqi universities will soon sign MoUs on academic cooperation with ATU.


Last Update At : 05 September 2021