Dr Anne-Kathrin Ende of Leipzig University Holds a Workshop in ATU

Dr Anne-Kathrin Ende of Leipzig University Holds a Workshop in ATU

05 October 2016 | 03:30 All News
Dr Anne-Kathrin Ende of Leipzig University Holds a Workshop in ATU
Dr Anne-Kathrin Ende of Leipzig University Holds a Workshop in ATU

On Wednesday, 5 October 2016, a series of workshops on Interpreting were held at Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages (PLFL). The workshops were run by Dr Anne-Kathrin Ende of Leipzig University, her assistant Ms Maryam Foradi, and Dr Saeid Mousavi from Allameh Tabataba'i University. The sessions were concerned with introducing the basics of interpreting, its different modes, the pros and cons of each mode, interpreting as a profession, and its requirements. Through certain exercises, the participants interpreting-related skills were addressed. The participants then engaged in activities in diverse interpreting situations which were meant to teach them how to take notes, address a group of people, cope with their stress in unexpected situations, etc.

The workshops ended with three real-life like interpreting situations which were handled by the participants followed by feedback from the instructors as well as other participants.

tags: Interpreting Translation Studies Anne-Kathrin Ende Said Mousavi Maryam Foradi

Last Update At : 12 February 2022