News - Saturday 12 December 2020

New MoU signed with Tomsk University, Russia

12 December 2020 | 03:30 All News
New MoU signed with Tomsk University, Russia
Directorate for International Academic Cooperation—

Allameh Tabataba"i University (ATU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on academic cooperation with Tomsk University of Russia on Saturday, 12 December 2020.

In an online session held between Professor Hossein Salimi, ATU President, and officials from University of Tomsk, the two institutes signed an MoU on academic cooperation. Through this MoU, the two institutes agreed to cooperate in improvement of the infrastructures for online education at both universities, as well as conducting joint research projects by the faculty members at the two institutes.

The National Research Tomsk State University (TSU) is a public research university located in Siberia, Russia, established since 1878. There are currently 23 Faculties and Institutes with 151 Departments and about 23,000 students, of which about 2,000 are international students. TSU is often regarded as one of the best universities in Russia as well as one of the best in BRICS and the former Soviet-Union. Moreover, it often ranks within the top-250 in world university rankings.

In the end of the session, TSU Director of International Affairs granted ATU students and lecturers access to TSU"s digital library. 

Last Update At : 12 December 2020