Farhadi: ATU is one of the most successful and well-arranged universities in Iran

Farhadi: ATU is one of the most successful and well-arranged universities in Iran

24 May 2015 | 04:30 All News
Iranian MSRT Minister: ATU is one of the most successful, pioneering, and well-arranged universities in Iran
Farhadi: ATU is one of the most successful and well-arranged universities in Iran

On 24 May 2015, the closing session of the Essay Competition was held with the presence of Irans Minister of Science, Research and Technology, Vice-President for Legal Affairs, Deputy Minister for Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, and President of Allameh Tabatabai University (ATU). In this session, Dr Farhadi called ATU one of the most successful, pioneering, and well-arranged universities of Iran, being active both in cultural and political activities, and educational and research areas. He then, pointing that ATU serves as a model for other Iranian universities, added: "The higher education system, acting as one of the [most] prominent cultural and educational institutions, should demonstrate its adherence and commitment to law, both in formal and informal education." He concluded that a lack of commitment to the law will "call into question the validity and credibility of the higher education system".

tags: Iranian MSRT Minister: ATU is one of the most successful pioneering and well-arranged universities in Iran

Last Update At : 24 May 2015