SUN Contests for 2020 Announced Open for Submission
SUN Contests for 2020 Announced Open for Submission

Directorate for International Academic Cooperation —
The fifth round of the Silk Road University Network"s Photography Contest and the fourth round of its Essay and Poetry Writing Contest are announced to start, and all ATU members are invited to send their productions to the secretariats.
According to the announcement launched by the Silk Road University Network (SUN), the 5th round of the SUN"s Photography Contest, entitled the PHOCOS 2020, and the 4th round of its Essay and Poetry Writing Contest, the WRICOS 2020 are open for submissions.
Therefore, all students currently studying in ATU are invited to submit their productions to the email addresses of the secretariats provided below.
During recent years, ATU students have shined in these contests. More detailed information about the past and upcoming events of the SUN are available in the SUN website.
The Photography Contest (PHOCOS) Secretariat:
The Writing Contest (WRICOS) Secretariat: